My drive?

I want the children growing up today to feel safe in the knowledge that the world they are growing up in can provide them many fruitful opportunities to live joyful lives, as it has done for me.

The issue is, I'm plagued by negative visions of the future. I feel the need to play a more active role in bringing the future I'm hopeful for to life.

My vision?

To resonate with a more hopeful, regenerative society.

My current mission?

To better understand what I mean by ‘resonate with a more hopeful, regenerative society.’

How am I approaching this mission?

  1. By learning from pioneering regenerative leaders and communities

  2. By experimenting with regenerative practices

  3. Through reflection - using this newsletter to articulate my experience

  4. Through sharing - using this newsletter to spark interesting conversations and connections with friends, old and new.

Subscribe to Experiments in regenerative living

A hopeful account of my journey to contribute towards a vibrant future.


Pretends he's interested in systems, complexity, cooperation, metamodernism. Is interested in swimming, reading, dancing, laughing.